Designer handbags aren’t there for carrying your phone and makeup. The true leaders of handbag fashion have turned these accessories into a coveted work of art. The most expensive bag recently sold for nearly $4 million!
If you are ready to invest in the perfect handbag, you’ll need to get to know the brands first. You might have heard of some of the names on the list. But can you distinguish a Vuitton from a Birkin?
To help, here are the four top handbag designers that should be on your wish list.
1. Louis Vuitton
When you think of Louis Vuitton, you probably imagine a lobby of a five-star hotel on the French Riveria. These popular handbag brands are the perfect statement for when you want to travel in style.
Did you know that the Louis Vuitton brand has designed some of its bags in honor of some of the world’s most glamorous and famous women, such as Audrey Hepburn?
Louis Vuitton started life by offering travel bags to the rich and famous, but nowadays, they have a wide selection of styles. That includes totes and backpacks, as well as other accessories like sunglasses.
2. Chanel
The interlinking C’s on the Chanel logo might be one of the most well-known brands in the world. So when buying a Chanel bag, you’re certainly buying one of the most recognizable and best designer handbags.
The Chanel brand is undoubtedly chic. They offer a beautiful range of high-quality leather clutches and cross-shoulder bags.
Or, if you want to opt for something timeless and classic, you can choose the Chanel statement handbag. This bag was first designed almost 40 years ago by Karl Lagerfeld and is still hugely popular today.
3. Hermes
Hermes might be a famous designer handbag brand. But it started with a different purpose, creating saddle bags for men. The craftspeople make these bags with attention to detail. Many people buy them as a life-long investment.
Hermes bags are so in-demand that some Hermes style lines have world-famous names, too, including the well-known Birkin bag.
Hermes picks high-end materials for their bags, including leather, alligator, and crocodile.
Price-wise they might be one of the most expensive designer bags on the market, with their statement bags selling for tens of thousands of dollars.
4. Jimmy Choo
The brand name Jimmy Choo might have a strong association with shoes. But their top designer handbags have, more recently, gradually made their way into fashion magazines as a statement accessory in much the same way.
Jimmy Choo bags are glamorous, with enough sparkle to justify taking them on a memorable night out. These bags often have the “JC” signature logo on the clasp, so they are perfect for those wanting to splurge on a designer-branded bag.
These bags also offer plenty of daytime options, including beautiful, high-quality leather bags and cross-shoulder styles that are great when you’re out and about in a city. Click the following link to browse these styles.
The Four Best Handbag Designers
So there you have it: our pick of the top four handbag designers in the world. Were they the same names on your list? Is there one style in particular that has grabbed your attention?
It’s time to start saving for your dream bag. And while you’re saving up those dollars, browse our fashion section for some more style tips.